Online • Acceptance Guaranteed • Certificate of Completion

Minor in Possession Class

Our Minor in Possession class discusses the dangers of underage drug & alcohol use and the lifelong consequences for first-time and repeat offenders while satisfying court and employer requirements in the state of Missouri.
  Scroll to learn more  

Enrich Your 


Certificates of completion are backed by a 30-day money back guarantee if your certificate is not accepted.

Support Good Causes

In addition to donating 25% of proceeds from enrollments to 501(c)(3) nonprofits, we also reinvest in the communities that assign our courses.

Most Affordable

We offer some of the most affordable courses even while contributing a percentage of proceeds towards non-profits.

No Certificate Fee

Your certificate of completion will be available for instant download upon completion at no additional cost.

Easy for all to Enroll and Learn Anywhere

Our courses are for teens and adults and accommodate most devices, languages, learning styles, and reading levels.

Enrich Yourself,
Enrich Your 

Enrich Yourself,
Enrich Your 

Enrich Yourself,
Enrich Your 


Certificates of completion are backed by a 30-day money back guarantee if your certificate is not accepted.

Support Good Causes

In addition to donating 25% of proceeds from enrollments to 501(c)(3) nonprofits, we also reinvest in the communities that assign our courses.

Most Affordable

We offer some of the most affordable courses even while contributing a percentage of proceeds towards non-profits.

No Certificate Fee

Your certificate of completion will be available for instant download upon completion at no additional cost.

Easy for all to Enroll and Learn Anywhere

Our courses are for teens and adults and accommodate most devices, languages, learning styles, and reading levels.

Does my county accept this online
Minor in Possession (MIP) 

Missouri's counties are listed below. Certificates issued by distance learning providers are specifically known to be rejected in the counties labeled in red with a  :
 Adair County
 Andrew County
 Atchison County
 Audrain County
 Barry County
 Barton County
 Bates County
 Benton County
 Bollinger County
 Boone County
 Buchanan County
 Butler County
 Caldwell County
 Callaway County
 Camden County
 Cape Girardeau County
 Carroll County
 Carter County
 Cass County
 Cedar County
 Chariton County
 Christian County
 Clark County
 Clay County
 Clinton County
 Cole County
 Cooper County
 Crawford County
 Dade County
 Dallas County
 Daviess County
 DeKalb County
 Dent County
 Douglas County
 Dunkin County
 Franklin County
 Gasconade County
 Gentry County
 Greene County
 Grundy County
 Harrison County
 Henry County
 Hickory County
 Holt County
 Howard County
 Howell County
 Iron County
 Jackson County
 Jasper County
 Jefferson County
 Johnson County
 Knox County
 Laciede County
 Lafayette County
 Lawrence County
 Lewis County
 Lincoln County
 Linn County
 Livingston County
 Macon County
 Madison County
 Maries County
 Marion County
 McDonald County
 Mercer County
 Miller County
 Mississippi County
 Moniteau County
 Monroe County
 Montgomery County
 Morgan County
 New Madrid County
 Newton County
 Nodaway County
 Oregon County
 Osage County
 Ozark County
 Pemiscot County
 Perry County
 Pettis County
 Phelps County
 Pike County
 Platte County
 Polk County
 Pulaski County
 Putnam County
 Ralls County
 Randolph County
 Ray County
 Reynolds County
 Ripley County
 Saint Charles County
 Saint Clair County
 Saint Francois County
 Saint Louis County
 Saline County
 Schuyler County
 Scotland County
 Scott County
 Shannon County
 Shelby County
 Ste. Genevieve County
 Stoddard County
 Stone County
 Sullivan County
 Taney County
 Texas County
 Vernon County
 Warren County
 Washington County
 Wayne County
 Webster County
 Worth County
 Wright County

Is this the right class for me?

Classes on Minor in Possession (MIP) are known by various names, but still adhere to the same requirement.

Participate in our online Minor in Possession (MIP) class if you were instructed to take any of the following or similar classes:
  Alcohol Awareness Class for Minors
  Alcohol Education Class for Minors
  Juvenile Drug and Alcohol Class
  Minor in Possession of Drugs Class
  MIP Alcohol Awareness Class
  Substance Abuse Class
  Public Intoxication Class
  Drug and Alcohol Education
  MIC Drug Class
  MIP Course
  MIP Law Class
  Minor in Consumption
  Possession Over 18
  Under 21 Drugs & Alcohol Class
  MIP Drug Awareness Course
  MIP Drug Awareness Class
  MIP Drug Awareness Program
  MIP Drug Education Course
  MIP Drug Education Class
  MIP Drug Education Course
  MIP Drug Education Program
  MIP Drug Offender Class
  MIP Drug Offender Course
  MIP Drug Offender Program
  MIP Alcohol Awareness Class
  MIP Course
  Underage Drinking Class
  Alcohol Class for Minors
  MIP Drug and Alcohol Prevention Class
  MIP Drug and Alcohol Prevention Course
  Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program
  Drug Offender Education Program for Minors
  Drug and Alcohol Awareness Program for Minors
  Alcohol Education Program for Minors
  Alcohol Awareness Course for Minors
  Deffered Entry of Judgement Course
  Deffered Entry of Judgement Class

  Please note the following:

This course is not yet included on the list of providers by the DMV, SOS, MVA, DPS, DOT, DOL or DLR. If you are required to take a Drugs & Alcohol course to reinstate your driver's license, obtain a new driver's license, or for a suspension or DUI/DWI conviction, our certificates may not be accepted. Find the list of providers by contacting your driver's license office.
We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee with proof of decline. 

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